

This poem is about people in a village in Russia sickened by a condition known as ergotism. Their extremities become gangrenous (means their toes, fingers, ear lobes are black and they fall off), and their bodies become convulsive (which they explained as the "devil's possession"). They later found out that it's just a fungi called ergot that infected their rye (used to make bread), not the devil's scheme to destroy their good souls.

N.B. (the ergotism part is true, but the events in the poem are fictional; although some people were burned because they had that condition)
Artwork taken from  http://bjws.blogspot.com/2014_01_28_archive.html?m=1


"Ah!" She yelped "Is that a crack I behold?!"

"Is that rot oozing in my child's throat?!"

"Nipples both droughty and gangrene from the dripping"

"Shawl on hair I snatched with fingers throbbing"

"Wrapped it around breasts and coaxed till only milk trickled"

"Through blue jerking lips tot suckled"

"Oh my Malish suck to get strong"

"The portruding veins in your eyes are surely from the cold"

His chubby legs turn and twitch

And from his teensy foot flowed a brown stench

"Oh Babushka's forseeings in the field were true"

"It's god's punishment for the rye I snitched"

"Ah! My baby's soul the devil stole"

"And now I collect his fallen thumbs in my shawl"

Babushka told with her gnawed tongue and decaying gum

And now the saints and natives for malish have come

Women, children and men march in pure contempt

Vexed by the hovering cloud of the infected scent

They've come to burn their "curse"

Cold eyes pursue their goal with no remorse

"We're to take that devil's seed and send it back to hell"

Into their superstitious lies the foolish mother fell

And so she tossed the the screaming child into Babushka's arms

The shawl roped around his belly to muffle "the devil's" chant

The pulley squeaks as Malish is lowered in the fire

His screams rising into shrills like that of a divine choir

She could hear his ruffled breaths, his sizzling flesh

And stood still and steady, a proud mother of her baby's death

The village sang "The devil has been burned!"

"Satan, is your lesson yet learned?!"

"The sons of god never withdrew!"

"Oh my lord, we've killed the devil for you!"

Lightning struck as the Earth shook

Heavens screamed and all men looked

To see the golden glow in the sky

Instinctually all knew it was the Divine

The lord the Almighty has spoken

To answer a desperate call of the brainless broken

"I have come to curse the world"

"For the blood of the boy you murdered"

The so-called sons of the lord

Heard the fires as it roared

Readying up to imprison their souls

I wreak havoc upon them all

The child was innocent

Your judgement false

Now in the air fly his remnants

In the village of now lost souls

His ashes softly in their lungs settled

To butcher and fry through their blood vessels

The brown rot now flowed across the streets

Seeping through their "Sunday" hoods seams

"Taste the wrath of God upon thee"

"The village cursed for all eternity"