
Trilogy of nature - The colliseum of survival

Breathe air with some conditions
Beware you must complete the unknown mission
You must complete the bravest of tasks
To become a savage is the method to last

You'll play a game with every participant
The rules are dependent on your deliberance
They're free to be broken if you need
And we sure ain't stopping if one would bleed
Let's see how well you put up with the pain
Why not add an ice age or days of rain?

The tides of this world will take their toll
The feelings of compassion are soon to fall
Illusionize forced feelings of love and trust
Dig out the secrets under Earth's crust
Remember, you can't eat unless you kill
Also there is no regard for your will

Hear the drums of war
You're in a cage
Escape and leave them all
You must survive the waves
Abandon all but your demand
Fight to the edge of land
Until the weak are the gone
The war will still go on
The winner gives to a winner
There's no space for any dreamers
Abandon a dream of world peace
The blood will never be ceased

The blood will always flow
The violence is destined to grow
The cowards will not be found
The growl will be an eternal sound
The metal will always grind
Within a commision of homocide
A kind will feed on another kind
As the world selects the denied

Trilogy of nature - زهر الدهر

الانسان دمر العالم
انا حائر أصلح كل الاماكن
انا الكوكب العظيم الغلبان
الشاخخ عليه كل حيوان
انا مكان واسع مصنوع
كذب في حقيقتي كل موضوع
انا اكبر من كل كاذب مغرور
انا اكبر من العقل و الشعور
انا جسد غامض ليس به نور
انا فقط جزء على الوشك من المرور
و انتم ما دمتم تغرقون في محيطاتي
انا فقط دهر من كل تلك الدهور
و انتم فقط احدى إحصائياتي
القوا نظرة إلى غلاظتي و نظرة إلى غلاظتكم
ثم تأملوا في عظامتي و تأملوا في عظامتكم

Trilogy of nature - Black hole

I've witnessed simplicity
Destroyed by lights of the city
I hear desperate calls
Now I fall
I'm feeling cold
An immortal body
My fall
Is arriving finally

Defiled by politics within trials of critics
A kingdom of ticks
They're carving crowns
From above they look like clowns
As all's sucked in with me
Into an endless valley
The stone that said "Power"
Crushed like a puny coward

Theoretical solutions of the maze
Philosophical eyes see a race
What I see
Is nothing remaining eternally
And all thoughts
Are now to rot
In the pit where all lay
In views of a future no longer far away

The secrets of time
Are not grasped by minds
But they are shown forcefully
The universe speaks not remorsefully
Steel hands upon its victim
Like the eyes of a phantom
All to null have we fought
Will we think or will we be a thought?