

Let us tell you something about modern Egypt, we don't take mental illness seriously. If a person is suffering, they either suck it up and shut up about it or they seek God's guidance; because mental illness is thought to be deficiency in faith, poor compliance to rules and a wrath from God. They rarely notice that it might be just a medical condition.
This is the last poem of our set ad it's about a boy suffering from depression and no one noticed till it was too late.
N.B. it's all fictional, but who knows it might have actually happened to some people.


Depressed, compressed
Feelings in this house suppressed
Torn, ignored
The stinky shirt for months I've worn
Denied, petrified
Dingy bed, night and day go undefined
A headache, a voice
Speaking, not my first choice
Constant fight
Starved yet no appetite
Fries or peas
Just the thought through my body squeezed
Dead, glum
I lay forever numb

Blame, shame
Of this boy holding my name
Weakness of religion
Prayers cut out like a clean incision
Religion prescripts
Pray or breathe to get hit
Dead glum
He lays forever useless and numb!

Dust, socks
I clean round him around the clock
Stiff, solid
I never imagined I bore a heart so horrid
Pain, suspicion
His hollow eyes may be more than contrition
The boy dead and glum
May be saved from being numb

Hopeless, helpless
Seen dozens of this lame abyss
On such, I feed
Keep them till I satisfy my greed
"Your son is not glum'
"He has only gone spiritually numb"

Religions involved
Humans devolved
False presumptions
Beauty made into destruction
History narrates tragedies
Made by "faithful" prodigies
Why must we kill?
Under the name of His will
Why must we torture?
Claiming it's His order
Angel's gone dead and glum
He will lay forever numb


  1. *Applause*
    This is the best set you've published so far !

  2. Beautiful, a high sense of reality is mixed with a warm talent. I appreciate your creativity and keep it up.

  3. Amr, we have worked very hard to hear you say that.
    Thank you very much.

  4. Ziyad, we appreciate your support and your feedback.
    Hopefully I'll hear more from you on my upcoming sets.
